Online marketing can be time consuming so by getting freelance services you will be able to focus on growing your business.
My services are broken down into different areas, allowing you to pick the ones that are most important to you or select services according to your budget.
I offer a range of online marketing services including paid media management, social media management, email marketing and content strategy.
If you need help on a particular project, I can create a custom package, containing all of the specific services your business needs.
I will take care of your online advertising strategy, ensuring to use your budget effectively and identifying your target audience and deliver the right ads to the right people.
I will plan effective email marketing strategies, making sure your email design and content are captivating and engaging enough to keep your mailing list growing.
As a freelance social media manager I can manage all your social media for you. You will be provided with custom content tailored to engage and compel your audience and make your business grow.